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Justin Time

Justin Time

Genres: Adventure Cartoon, Family Cartoon

Date aired: June 2011

Status: Ongoing

Views: 55,526


Justin Time is a Canadian animated television series for pre-school aged children, created by Brandon James Scott. The show airs on Disney Junior (both English and French) in Canada, the Sprout channel in the United States, Tiny Pop in the United Kingdom, and Kids Talk Talk Plus in South Korea. The show revolves around the adventures of Justin. In every episode, Justin encounters a real-world problem of everyday childhood (such as sharing, teamwork, or paying attention). Then Justin and his shape-shifting sidekick Squidgy solve the problems by tackling them in imaginary adventures through time and around the world. In every adventure, Justin and Squidgy meet their best friend Olive, who always lives in the place and time they are visiting, and who usually needs their help to accomplish a task.

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