Genres: Comedy Cartoon, Family Cartoon
Date aired: 1998–1999
"The Dumb Bunnies" was an animated series where, as the saying goes, "anything can happen - and it usually does." The Bunnies did the direct opposite of the normal course of action (e.g. they put on winter coats in the summertime to protect themselves from the sun), and they often didn't use their heads when they first saw something unfamiliar (e.g. the Bunnies thought the revolving door to the local museum was a kind of carnival ride the museum offered as an added attraction). The Bunnies also had some adversaries in their next-door neighbors, The Uppitys (a family of normal and well-to-do rabbits), and Sly Fox, the local con artist, but somehow the Bunnies managed to outwit them in their own naive way.
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